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 "Your Division Commander tells me he has a fine division and it's ready for combat. I have asked him to write me a letter two weeks after I commit you to battle and tell me if he still has a fine division."

General George S. Patton Jr., commander of the 3rd Army Corps

Northern France    Rhineland    Ardennes-Alsace    Central Europe










  The Division

  Its History

  Command & Staff

  Its composition

  The 377th Infantry Regiment

  The 378th Infantry Regiment

  The 379th Infantry Regiment

  Its badges

  Its assignments and attachments to higher units

  Its attachments / detachments

  The books of the 95th Infantry Division

Its History

  The division had a brief release of life right at the end of WWI but was still in training when the armistice intervened and in December 1918 it was deactivated, although between the wars it existed as an organized reserve division based in Oklahoma City. In May 1942, Maj-Geneneral Harry L. Twaddle was appointed as commander. A cadre of junior officers and enlisted men began to be posted in and the division was officially activated at a ceremony in June at Fort Swift, Texas. It was a triangular division made up of the 377th, 378th and 379th Infantry Regiments, as well as the usual organic divisional, troops, engineers, artillery, mediacl, quartermaster etc. To make up the numbers, men from many backgrounds continued to arrive, predominantly from the Mid-West and started the usual round of basic training. It was while at Camp Swift that the insignia was adopted : the Arabic "9" combined with the Roman "V".

  The division then followed the basic pattern of all the new US divisions, moving throughout the country from camp to camp for maneuvers and specialized training. The program continued throughout 1943 and into 1944, and was extremely thorough, including desert and mountain warfare training. Toward the end of July the various units began to move by train to Camp Miles Standish to prepare for employment overseas, and then to the port of Boston to embarkation. Crammed on board two troopships, the division enjoyed an untroubled crossing and on August 14 and 17, docked at Liverpool. From there, they traveled by train to the Winchester area near the south coast of England.

July 1944, soldiers from the division  join Boston for a future way in England.

  They stay only lasted about three weeks before they moved down to Southampton to embark for France and in mid-September the entire division arrived off Omaha beach where they were confronted by a first taste of the devastation of war: sunken ships, abandoned vehicles and the provisional graves of the fallen.

The soldiers of the 95th ID US embark on boats to reach France

  Once ashore the division moved into bivouac quarters, but while awaiting assignment to combat, its trucks were taken to assist in the Red Ball Express. Many of the men found themselves employed as truck drivers on the run from Cherbourg via Paris to the front line, hauling supplies of all description and bringing back empty jerrycans and German prisoners. 

4 soldiers in bivouac take picture with a dog.

  After about a month of marking time in the Normandy tents the division was informed that it would be assigned to Ninth Army and the various units set off for the front in the Metz sector both by truck and box-car, arriving in mid-October. When the advance party arrived, they were informed that the assignment had changed to XXth "Ghost" Corps of the Third Army of Patton, since October 14.

  After its quick action, the city of Thionville is liberated on 11 November 1944 and the division linked up with the 5th Infantry Division on the Outskirts of Vallières at 11 o'clock on 18 November 1944. Tanks and Infantry of the division charged into streets of Metz the next morning to remove "die hard" resistors. At 14.35 on the afternoon of 22 November 1944, Maj. Gen. Walton H. WALKER reported to Lt. Gen. PATTON that Metz was completely secured.

On November 18th, 1944, a patrol of the 378th Infantry Regiment of the 95th ID (right) meets a patrol of the 5th ID in the South of Vallières in front of the sign indicating Metz. The surrounding of Metz was achieved… An hictorical moment ! Now, the battle of Metz properly speaking could start …

  After playing a leading role in the final reduction of Metz fortress, the division moved off eastwards towards the Saar rivers and took part in the Sarrlautern fighting in the Siegfried Line. At the beginning of February 1945 the division was transfered to General Simpson's Ninth Army and moved to north into Belgium and then into Holland to take part in the Rhineland campaign know as Operation Grenade. Once over the Rhine, the 95th Took part in the operations to reduce the Ruhr Pocket and then moved eastwards into the heart of defeated Germany ending up in the Leipzig area on VE Day. This xas followed by the usual round of occupation duties and in July 1945, the division sailed for home and eventual retraining for the War ine the Pacific, annulled by the dropping of the atomic bombs.

Des GI's are entering Germany, near Saalautern, sector of the 95th Inf. Div. 

  The 95th Infantry Division had fought in Europe for nearly 12 months involving 145 days of combat including a continuous period of more than 100 days. The 95th Infantry Division captured more than 439 centers of population, including Germany's ninth largest city, Dortmund.

  It had left behind ahistory of heroism and bravery and accolades of friends and ennemy, "Iron Men of Metz", "The Bravest of Braves ". But it had also left behinf 6591 officially recorded casualties.

Le Général Twaddle saw the Division inactive on 15 October 1945, at Camp Shelby, Mississippi (USA).

  The "Iron Men of Metz", a title given to them by General Kittel, the German fortress commander of Metz, were stood down on 15 October and the division returned to its pre-war roles as an Oklahoma based reserved cadre. The division continues today in a training roles as the 95th Division Training Unit, still headquartered in Oklahoma City.